
SuperMisaoIbWhoLock WIP (read description)

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“Okay, thanks. We'll be there soon.”  Sam hung up on the man on the other end of the conversation. “Looks like we have another case,” He said to Dean, “Michigan, don't know what's happening, we were just told to go there by some...guy.”

Dean didn't take his eyes off the road for a few moments, before looking at Sam.  “Mysterious phone call telling us to go to a school?” He asked, “Sounds like our thing.” He smirked, locking his eyes on the road again. He noticed a disturbance in the path ahead. “What the hell is that?!” Dean attempted to brake, not succeeding, and the Impala was swallowed by a wormhole, rolling, before they stopped.

Dean looked over at Sam, “You alright?”  Sam nodded, “What was that?” He asked, opening the door, which was now partially crushed. They were outside a school. “Looks like we found our school...” He looked it over.


"This is great. This is just fantastic." Garry grumbled, walking down an old pathway, Mary trailing behind him. "I'm lost and stuck with a painting."  "Hey, I'm not that bad!" Mary grumbled. "Can we just find our way out of here?"  "What do you think I'm doing?" Garry rubbed his forehead, his temper worn by the fact that they were hopelessly lost.  

"Hey, what's that?" Mary pointed over to the road. Garry squinted.  "Some kind of....portal? Let's stay away from it."  "Oh, cool! I wanna see it!" the blonde ran towards it, leaving the older man to chase after her.  "Mary! Wait! No!"  Right as they got within five feet of the portal, wormhole, whatever it was, a force began to yank at them. Without warning, they were pulled into it.  

After a few seconds, the duo found themselves standing in front of an old school with an ominious feel to it.  "Let's go in before you run ahead of me again." Garry groaned, walking to the doors.


Sam looked the school over. Dean wasn't looking at the school, though. Parked a few feet away was a black taxi cab- not an American taxi cab, either. Two men were standing beside it, one tall, wearing a long black overcoat, and a short man beside him with blond hair.

“Sammy...” He said to his brother, “Looks like we weren't the only ones called here.” Sam looked at the two men, before there was a rush of wind and a groaning, grinding noise, and a blue 'police public call box' appeared some distance away, toward the school.

“Okay, now this is just getting weird.” Dean said, making the two men by the taxi cab look at them, tearing their eyes away from the 'magical' blue box. A moment later, a girl with brown hair jumped out of the box, looking at the school, then at the man dressed in a purple tweed jacket.  

“This doesn't look like Helsinki to me, Dad,” She said. Dean could almost hear the eyebrow raise in her voice, but what had his staring was the term she'd used to describe the man. The girl looked about fifteen from what Dean could tell, but the man looked about twenty. What, did he get a girl pregnant when he was five or something?!


"Let's just hope we can find the others." "B....but.....I'm scared!" "Saotome, you're a wuss." Yoshino didn't really like traveling with someone so timid, but it could be worse. "Wait, who are those guys?"

Yoshino pointed to Dean and Sam. Saotome's eyes widened. "Oh god oh god oh god we're gonna die" She started running in random directions, before vanishing. "Eh, good riddance." Yoshino sighed. She walked over to Dean and Sam. "Heyo. I'm Yoshino. You are?" She shook their hands, waiting awkwardly for a response.

Sam and Dean eyed each other awkwardly as the girl shook their hands and introduced herself. “Uhh...Dean. Dean Winchester,” Dean said.  “Sam Winchester,” Sam said. Yoshino smiled. "Well, it's nice to meet you two. I don't know exactly what's going on, but it's a lot of supernatural shit."


Garry sighed, looking at the group of people talking. He was surprised they hadn't seen him and Mary yet, as they were still standing outside the doors, but he figured there was nothing to lose and approached them.  

"H-hi, misters and misses. I-I'm Garry, and this is Mary." he stuttered, gesturing to the young girl beside him. "W-we don't know what happened. One minute we're hopelessly lost, the next we're getting sucked into a wormhole because this one," he gave a meaningful tug on Mary's arm. "can't seem to leave well enough alone."


“Uh, I think we're all guys here,” Dean pointed to himself and Sam, then the tall man with the short brown one who had moved to stand beside them. Moments later, the purple guy and the blonde-haired girl joined them.  

“So uh...anybody know what's going on?” The man asked, “No...temporal disturbances, no aliens-slash-monsters, no randomly appearing people?” He looked at the group. The girl rolled her eyes. “Well, besides us.” The man added upon seeing the girl's eyeroll. It was strangely quiet until Yoshino introduced herself. "I'm Yoshino." She tried to make a good impression for once, aside from those who ever saw her as a merciless killing machine.

Helena glanced at her. “Nice you?” The girl said, unsure of the other girl. “Name's Helena. This oaf’s called the Doctor.” She pointed with her thumb to the man beside her. “He's my father.”  “How does that work?” Dean asked.

“You're like...fifteen or something, and how old's he, twenty?” He pointed between Helena and the Doctor.  “You wouldn't believe us if we told you,” Helena sighed.  “Try us,” Dean raised an eyebrow.  “Okay,” Helena smirked. “We're aliens, Time Lords to be exact, I'm not fifteen, he's not twenty. I'm 218, he's 1733.” She finished, wiping some imaginary dust off her coat.

Garry glanced at the big group, then back at Mary. That age thing is a little farfetched. he thought. Then again, I'm traveling with a painting, so what do I know?  He thought about speaking up, but decided to stay quiet until acknowledged. Mary seemed to realize why he was silent, and also kept her mouth shut.

Yoshino shrugged. "....Okay then. I'm not exactly surprised considering what happens to me on a GOOD DAY." She mumbled something under her breath. "Okay, so do we travel together, considering we'd be killed by a telephone on our own...?" She noticed Garry about to respond, but Yoshino shook her head. "Don't ask, spider-man." she scoffed, referring to the black thing in Garry's hair.

"I don't know why it's there either, okay?" Garry sighed, rubbing his temple with his fingers impatiently, as if he had a headache.


Yoshino sniggered. She looked at the group, counting the people. "Damn, we're either gonna need a wide hallway or a wide sidewalk. Anyway, I don't think I've ever seen any of you here before. Are you visiting, or...?" Yoshino rubbed her head, confused by the new guests.

“I think whoever set up that damn portal thing needs to do some explaining,” Dean said with narrowed eyes, “I bet it was the little ginger shit. She looks suspicious.” Helena's mouth widened into an 'o' shape.  

“Pfft, no,” Helena said, “If you remember correctly, Dean Winchester,” She put extra emphasis on his name, “We got here after you, and we don't even know how we got here.”

"Okay, none of us know how the he-" Garry cut off, and restarted his sentence. "Okay, none of us know how on earth we got here. That's not the POINT. Why don't we all introduce ourselves and say what or who we are, since apparently some of us are flipping weird."

Yoshino looked around. "How about I start? I know this place most. Anyway, you all know my name. I have a fear of the dark,-" She turned her head an glared upon hearing Mary giggle. "If I may continue... I carry a dagger for self-defense, and I'm....." Yoshino trailed off slightly. "That's it for me, I guess....!"

The Doctor sighed as Helena got into a fight with Dean Winchester, “I sure as hell didn't open that wormhole, so how do we know you didn't?” She demanded. “Or one of those two,” She pointed to Sherlock and John. “Or one of the bright ones.” She pointed to Yoshino, Mary and Garry.  

“Oh, because you're the one that arrived in a teleporting phone box!” Dean pointed at the box. “Not even gonna talk about the shady clothes.” He eyed the purple and yellow trench coat that Helena was wearing, and the purple tweed that the Doctor was wearing. “Who the hell wears shit like this?”

"Okay. One, we did not open that wormhole. We did nothing. Two, can you please not cuss? If you can't tell, there's a nine-year-old in this group. Three, might as well introduce myself and Mary. My name is Garry, as I already said. Two R's. I was talked into dying my hair when I was eighteen. I think I was drunk. I work as a dressmaker, and this coat is my favorite thing to wear. I carry a lighter in case of emergency, but I had it in the first place because of a bad smoking habit I have for the most part kicked. I have a fear of roses." he rolled his eyes when Yoshino laughed.

"And this is Mary. I think she'd like to introduce herself. Don't say the painting thing, though." he glanced at her. "Okay! I'm Mary! I really like my dress! I like roses and dolls, but...." she shuddered a bit. "I really don't like fire. I also like making friends, too. I have a palette knife, but I guess they're not really dangerous..." "And, one more thing about her, which I don't think is too farfetched considering the stuff we already faced."

Garry sighed. "Okay, so she's a painting. She was created by the artist Weiss Guertena, and was able to come out of her canvas. Don't ask how it works, I don't know." "Alright then. How about the two pretty batch of detectives here?"

Yoshino pointed to John and Sherlock. “Sherlock Holmes. Consulting detective- only one in the world- I invented the job. Address is 221b Baker Street,” Sherlock introduced, “And this is John.”  “John Watson. Ex-army doctor. I'm his flatmate,” John said.  

Sam cleared his throat. “Sam Winchester, er...I hunt. Dean and I do hunting. We don't any where, per say.”  Dean didn't introduce himself, still too busy with his argument with Helena.

The Doctor shook his head.  “The Doctor. Rank: Doctor. Intention: Fun,” He smiled. "Well now that we're all buddies," Garry rolled his eyes. "Shall we figure out what's going on?"

Yoshino spoke up first. "I guess. This school's prone to paranormal crap, so I'm assuming it's that. It was never this intense though. Aside from what happened last year."“Paranormal?” Sam asked, “Like, ghosts and stuff?” He tried to ignore Dean and Helena's argument.  

“So what if you arrived through a bloody wormhole? We still don't have any proof that you didn't open it!” Helena rolled her eyes.  “Oh yeah? And how do we know you didn't leave it for us to drive through?” Dean crossed his arms, “God, you're an idiot.”

"Everyone calm down!" Garry shouted. You could tell he was losing his patience, and had to try not to cuss. "I got this." Yoshino looked at Garry. She pulled a dagger out of her pocket. "I'll slaughter both of you if you don't keep quiet!" She smiled, and put the blade back. “Excuse you,” Helena scoffed, “That knife is nothing. I was shot in both hearts. Oh yeah. Two hearts.”

The Doctor sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. This new Helena would take some getting used to.  “Alright, maybe it's time for you to get away from Dean Winchester,” The Doctor said, directing her away from Dean, who laughed at her.  “I'm not 100 anymore, Dad,” Helena rolled her eyes.

"Let's all just calm down and stop arguing. We gotta get along if we're gonna figure out how to get back." Garry walked over to Yoshino, making gestures at Helena and Dean. "I'm trying to be a peacemaker here." "Yeah, you should listen to Garry!" Mary tugged on Garry's coat. "He's really smart! He could save someone if they were dyi-" she suddenly stopped talking when she noticed Garry giving her a look. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I forgot."

Yoshino shrugged. "Well, last time we all died and got reincarnated, but I don't think that's possible....for you guys anyway..." Yoshino pointed to the two Timelords and the painting. "But I guess we'll just let luck rule this one, seeing as two of you are basically immortal. Eh, I guess we'll figure out later."


“Not immortal,” The Doctor said. “Just not as easy to kill. Time Lords, you can't get rid of us!” He beamed, Helena smiling too. “Anyway, does anyone know why we're all here?”  “Yeah, that's what I've been wondering,” Helena remarked, “Something powerful pulled the TARDIS off course and...” She poked her tongue out before bringing it back in, licking her lips, “Into another universe...”  

“Wait, what?” Sam shook his head, “Another universe?”  Helena nodded, “Yep. Never been wrong before.” "We were hopelessly lost when a fucking wormhole appeared. Mary decided it was a GREAT idea to go investigate, I tried to chase after her, we got pulled in, and here we are. P-pardon my language." Garry sighed, realizing he had been swearing.

"I think this is getting to me already. It's the Fabricated World all over again." "It's Misao all over again, y'mean." Yoshino sighed, making sure the coast was clear of demons or ghosts. "All I know is an earthquake happened, and when I woke up, I was here. With Saotome, of course, but the kid probably got lost and got trapped after running away from Sam and Dean."

Mary looked at Garry fearfully. "Am I gonna die" she looked like she was going to cry, unable to say the name she was struggling to bring out. "No. You are not going to die. We are all going to survive." Garry gave Mary's blonde hair a light stroke. "No one's gonna die. Not today."

“Not how did we get here,” The Doctor said, “Why are we here? Something pulled us off course, right out of the time vortex...”  Dean rolled his eyes, “Is this how you Time Whatevers talk? Because if you do, try English.”  'Nah, we talk like this,' Helena said in Gallifreyan. “Yeah, we got sass too, mate.”

"Hmph. Could be Misao going insane again, but I doubt it. Considering Time Lords are here, it has to be something else. Misao was never that strong." Yoshino shrugged. "Probably the power of your blue telephone box....thing."

"Ground rules: Speak English, and try to be sensitive of fears or anxieties of others. For example, don't go lighting a fire anywhere near Mary unless we really have to." Garry sighed. "And I don't know who this Misao girl is, but I don't know anyone or anything strong enough to do all this."

'Can't promise you anything on that English thing,' Helena said again, in Gallifreyan, 'But I'll try.' She hissed when the Doctor nudged her with his elbow.  “Stop your little Time Lord talk and just speak English, you little shit,” Dean narrowed his eyes at Helena, who raised an eyebrow. “As well as that fire thing, if we need to, we will burn something.”  

“Just make sure...” The Doctor hissed, so that Helena couldn't hear, “That you keep guns away from Helena. Doesn't like them much, since she died thanks to one. "Alright. And to Garry's question, Misao's a girl in my class. I'm not that close to her. At all. Okay, I hate the kid. Anyway, she was driven insane by...." Yoshino gulped. She shrugged it off. "by....god knows what. Anyway, she has a connection to the paranormal, and cursed us all in a fit of rage a year ago."

"Why do you hate her?" Mary asked. "Well...I...erhm.....It's complicated." Yoshino looked at Mary. "Wait. Let me guess." Garry interrupted. "Love triangle and-or jealousy?" "...Y-yes..." Yoshino looked away, slightly embarassed.  

"And don't say the words," Garry covered Mary's ears. "'Lady in Red'. There was an incident, and Mary was pretty badly scarred by it emotionally." he uncovered her ears. "Connections to the paranormal?" Sam asked. "That's definitely us."  "Come on," Helena rolled her eyes. "The paranormal? Pfft."  

"Look, kid, if you don't shut up-" Dean began, before Sam stepped on his foot.  "It can't be anything paranormal," Sherlock said. "Ghosts do not exist, nor do demons or angels." "Wow, you really are new here." Yoshino shrugged. "Hey, once we get in deeper, I'll show you, I swear it!" She glared at Sherlock.

Garry spoke next. "I'd agree with you, but I've been chased by the heads of mannequins, headless statues, moving dolls, and..." he trailed off, shaking his head. "I certainly am not doubting ghosts." "Angels don't exist? Ha!" Helena pointed at Sherlock. "Buddy, you need to get your head out of your ass, because angels are real." Helena swallowed. "The Weeping Angels."  "Don't know about your Weeping Angels crap, but I know for a fact that angels and demons are real," Dean said.


"Yay, we all agree that ghosts and angels and all that crud exist. Can we figure out where to go now?" Garry sighed. "Yeah." Yoshino nodded.

"I suggest we split up," Dean said. "So I don't have to be with the ginger kid."  "The ginger kid has a name," Helena rolled her eyes. "Helena, Helena Tyler-Smith."  "Whatever," Dean said. "I'm staying with Garry!" Mary clung to Garry's coat again.

"Yep. Yoshino, would you mind accompanying our little group? Everyone else can split into groups of adults, but I feel more comfortable having more than one person to look after Mary. She can be....skittish." Yoshino nodded. Sure." She looked at Mary and gave a slight wave. "Well I'm with Dad," Helena motioned to the Doctor, who nodded. "We could take blondie or black beauty with us."  "John and Sherlock," John corrected. "I'll go with them."  "We'll have Sherlock then," Sam said, nodding. Garry smiled. "Alrighty, then."


"Let's go." Yoshino lead her group forward, to a room with light blue tile and multicolored test tubes. "Ugh. I remember this place all too well. Watch out for the phone." "Okay, let's go." Garry started walking before stopping. "And now I realize I have no clue where we're going. Yoshino, you know your way around this school. Suggestions?" "Garry, you're gonna get us lost!" Mary giggled.

Yoshino started stammering. "Well...Th....this's...You know what I said about reincarnating? This is the room I.....d-d-d.....died in. I don't know much about it, since it only appeared the last time this happened..." Yoshino looked around her. "Well, if I remember.." She walked forward to a machine glazed with buttons and letters.

Garry looked at her, sighing. "Listen, if this is making you uncomfortable, we can leave..." "No....It's fine....There was a puzzle here, and we have to solve it to get to a key to something..." Yoshino sighed, rubbing her head.

"Do you know what kind of puzzle?" Mary asked, looking at the machine. "Cause there are lots of kinds of puzzles." "I think it's a password thing. Garry, go over to that poster. Tell me the names of the colors. Mary,"

She grabbed a paper near her and a pen. There was something on the back, but it wasn't important. "Write down was Garry says and bring it to me. I'll try and....." Garry listed off the color names, pausing at a few as if unsure. He made sure Mary was getting them all down. It took a while, but the group finally got it. Garry grabbed the silver key. The trio left.


Helena led the way, the Doctor at her side and John a little behind them. "Wait, what exactly are we doing?" Helena asked.  "Looking for paranormal things," the Doctor smiled, Helena beaming back at him.  

"Let's go hunt us some ghosts!" Dean walked along the corridor with Sam at his side. Sherlock, confident, walked ahead of them.  "Hey, Sherlock.," Dean said. "Do you even know what we could be facing?"  "I'm not bothered by all the paranormal mumbo-jumbo," Sherlock said. "I do not believe in such things. The paranormal does not worry me. It's all made up nonsense, and I do not care for it," Sherlock said.

"The real world is much more interesting, much more...real. The girl and her father have to be making that whole 'Time Lord' thing up, judging by all the secrets they keep, but there's something powerful, something stopping me from being able to deduce anything further, they're geniuses too, unlike you two bumbling idiots, believing in the paranormal?"

Dean glared at Sherlock. "But ah, you do have a reason, for you think you've seen them? And your mother, your poor mother. Burned on the roof when you were a child, you, Sam, witnessing it when you were what, a year old, not even?" Sam stared at Sherlock. "How'd you..." "Genius." Helena, the Doctor and John walked into an empty classroom.

Yoshino stayed quiet, but her hands were horribly shaking. Garry sighed. "Yoshino, are you SURE you're okay? You're freaking out."

She looked at him with wracking shudders. "Wh-What'd make you think thaaaaat, sweetie?" "Uh...Yoshino...I think you're freaking out." Garry scratched the back of his neck and looking away slightly. "And for what reason did you call me 'sweetie'?" "I'm fiiiine..."

Yoshino smiled. Her hands started twitching. "I don't think she's fine." Mary commented. "Yoshino, calm down." Garry took a few tentative steps towards her. Yoshino clenched her fists.

"I'M COMPLETELY CALM!" She had apparently pulled the dagger out of her pocket. "No, you're not!" Garry forced himself to take another step towards her, doing his best to not be timid, pulling the lighter out of his pocket. It wasn't exactly a weapon, but it was all he had. He didn't want to hurt anyone, anyway, and hoped it didn't come to that.

Mary took a few steps back, not sure how this would turn out. She knew Garry would take care of it, and kept quiet. She looked at things on the walls, and cringed at a portrait of a lady wearing a green dress. She closed her eyes, repeating to herself, "It's not real. It can't move. It's not real. It can't move."  

Garry heard Mary talking to herself, and thought about going to ask her what was happening, though he was more concerned about the teenager in front of him wielding a dagger.

Yoshino was about to throw the weapon, but stopped herself. "I-ah...I'm sorry....I thing this is getting to me....I..." She put the knife back into her pocket, and held her head. "Don't worry. It's okay. Let's get out of this room." Garry gave Yoshino a small hug. "But first, I think something's wrong with Mary. I'm gonna go check on her."

Yoshino blushed slightly. "Yeah...Thanks for understanding, Garry." "You're welcome." Garry said, letting her go and walking over to Mary. "Mary. Mary, listen to me!" "N-n-n-n-not r-r-rea- G-Garry!!" she yanked Garry down, hugging him tightly. She pointed at the portrait, sobbing.  

Garry glanced at the portrait, cringed, and nodded. "Sssh. It's okay, Mary. It won't hurt you. Even if it tried, I would protect you."  Once Mary calmed down, Garry stood back up. "Okay, let's find somewhere else to investigate."


"Schools out, kids," Helena mumbled, looking around. Her eyes met a cupboard on the opposite side of the room. She approached it slowly, before lying her hands on the handles.

"Helena, don't-" the Doctor started, before Helena flung the doors open. Nothing happened. "Nothing. Huh," She said, closing the doors again. The Doctor inspected the empty desks, before he pulled out a flowerpot from beneath one.

"Who leaves a flowerpot under their desk?" He asked, placing it on the desk in front of him. "Something tells me we need to find flowers." "I saw some flowers in one of the rooms I told you we should go in," John said. "When you completely ignored my suggestion." "Yes, John, but we are acknowledging it now," The Doctor said, putting an arm around John's shoulders. "Because we are at times...ignorant, to say the least."

"What room, John?" Helena asked. "We'll go to it now, get some flowers." She pulled some pruners out of her coat pocket. "Where did you get those from?" John asked, pointing at the pruners and shaking his head. "Pockets," She patted her coat. "Bigger on the inside." "What?" "Time Lord thing."

John shook his head again. "Uh, that room was downstairs." He lead the way back to the room, which looked like a staff room. Helena approached the pot of roses, sniffing loudly, as the Doctor did the same. They Something wasn't right with them. Then Helena worked it out. "Uh, what's with all the sniffing?" John asked them. "The roses," Helena said. "The thorns've been poisoned. Lucky for these pruners."

She tossed the instruments in her hands. "And how did you work that out by SNIFFING?" "Time Lord thing." Helena licked her lips, trying to keep her hands away from the thorns as she cut off some roses. She picked them up when she'd done that, pruning off the thorns. She sighed heavily.

"Whew." "So we take these back to the flowerpot?" John asked. "I do think so," The Doctor said. "Well, come on then." Helena said, walking out of the door and back to the classroom. "How many do we put in?" The Doctor asked.

"Dunno, just one?" Helena shrugged, putting one in. "Save the other ones for later or something." When nothing happened the Time Lords let out a similtaneous sigh and turned. "Come on John, we're going on an adventure!" The Doctor said.


Yoshino looked at Mary, then to Garry. "I'm sorry to ask, but why's she so scared of the painting? It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it, but..." She scratched the back of her head.

Garry sighed. "There's It's called the Fabricated World. Many of the works of the deceased artist Weiss Guertena are there. We don't understand how you get there or why it exists, but it does, and it's very twisted." he placed his hands over Mary's ears and made sure she couldn't hear him anymore.

"The third member of our trio was....attacked by one of the paintings....we couldn't save her. Mary was pretty badly scarred emotionally." he uncovered the blonde's ears. "Oh...." Yoshino was in a bit of a shock. She was used to death, and these farfetched stories, but this surprised her.

"C-can we go?" Garry sighed, looking at his feet. "The memories of that incident aren't exactly happy for me, either, even if I wasn't as scarred as Mary." "Yeah...." Yoshino glanced around the hall, looking at the doors.

As the group of three began to walk out of the room, Garry accidentally dropped the lighter still gripped in his hand. It clattered to the ground, and a shadow swept by. The three stepped back as something, appearing to be nothing, lifted the lighter into the air. It turned the lighter on, setting a small flame flickering.

Then the lighter was thrown across the room, setting fire to a table before smashing into the wall and breaking. As the table ignited and began to go up in flames rather quickly, Mary started to breathe a little quicker than normal. Her hands were twitching, and she started to shiver. All she could do was look at the fire with wide eyes.

"Augh..." Yoshino's eyes opened slightly, catching a glimpse of the flames. She backed up, amber eyes huge with terror. Her back was slightly bruised due to falling backwards, but she didn't care, as she was still in shock.

"N-no..." Mary stammered, taking a few steps back. "It' paintings have....always been....weak to flames..." her blue eyes were as wide as they would go, and she was starting to stumble.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." Garry muttered over and over, not seeming to care about avoiding cussing. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Yoshino, is there a fire extinguisher nearby? We have to do something!" he was starting to panic, and not paying attention to Mary, who was starting to crack a grin as she put her hands to the sides of her head.  

"'s gonna hurt....I don't....I don't wanna...die..." she mumbled. "I can't...I don't wanna..." she couldn't even form coherent sentences any longer, and it was a miracle she had not completely lost her balance. "No..." her eyes closed halfway and she stopped twitching. She collapsed to the hard floor, unconscious.

Yoshino looked around. "N-no.....not that I can see anyway..." She was too scared to move, in fear the fire'd grow bigger if she did. "We have to do something!" Garry screeched.

"Do you know of any place with a fire extinguisher? I'm a fast runner and if you give me the traits of a room I can find it pretty quickly...we can't just let this burn, the entire place will burn down!"

Yoshino looked around, as if it would help her situation. "I think there's one in the bathroom!" She gestured for Garry to run out the door. Garry nodded and ran. He noticed he had to jump over something to get to the door, but he took no time looking.

He ran out into the hallways and immediately spotted two bathroom doors, marked for genders. He shoved open the boys' door first and immediately spotted a rather large fire extinguisher next to the sink. He grabbed it, a little surprised by the weight, and ran back into the room.

He set the extinguisher off, getting as close to the fire as he could without freaking out. Once the extinguisher was off and the fire was out, he inspected to make sure in was completely out. "Okay! Close call, but I think we're all okay!" he glanced around, looked at the floor, and his breath caught in his throat.

Garry rushed to Mary's side, holding the fainted blonde. His frightened look softened after a few seconds. "S-she's still breathing, good. The fire...she freaked out. We need to get somewhere safe until she wakes up."

Helena led the group again, walking along the corridors and halls before they heard the sound of footsteps around a corner. The Doctor motioned for the three of them to back against the wall, Helena going first and looking.

Only to let out an earsplittingly loud and pitched scream when there was a gun being pointed right at her. She fell backwards, not caring for stealth anymore, as the Doctor knelt beside her, looking up and seeing Dean standing there with the gun is his hands.

"What did I say about guns?!" The Doctor asked him, shaking his head. "We heard footsteps, so I brought out protection!" Dean argued.

"Oh, 'protection'," The Doctor stood up, taking the gun from Dean. "Guns are not protection, they're violence." Helena, still on the ground, stared, wide-eyed at nothing, John hurrying around, trying to get her to move and get her breathing to even out.

"I didn't think you were being serious!" Dean countered. "I mean, come on, she died thanks to a gun? If she's dead how's she sitting there?" "Time Lord stuff," The Doctor said, narrowing his eyes.

John continued trying to get Helena to respond to him, to no avail. Her blue eyes stared ahead, at nothing, as she shook. "Helena? Can you hear me?" John asked. Helena didn't reply. Tears started leaking down Helena's cheeks, as her breathing became loud and raspy. John checked her pulse.

"Uh, Doctor, what's the regular pulse for a Time Lord?" "160 to 180 beats per minute, both hearts," The Doctor replied. John checked Helena's other wrist, and found that her pulse was above average. "Her pulse is at nearly at 200 beats, both hearts taken into account." "What?!"

The Doctor shoved John out of the way, biting his lips. "What's going into hysteria...god, Helena!" The Doctor shouted her name, rubbing her back, before wrapping his arms around her, making her calm down a little. She blinked finally, burying her head into the Doctor's shoulder, sobbing.

"We walked past an infirmary earlier," Sam said. "Should we take her there?" "Yes," The Doctor said, helping the still scared Helena up. "Lead the way, Sam." "When did we walk past an infirmary?" Dean asked. "You weren't looking, you were too busy preparing your gun." "Oh." The Doctor glared at Dean. Sam lead the way to the infirmary, the Doctor hanging back, helping Helena, with John in front of them, Sherlock behind Dean and Sam.


"I...think there was an infirmary somewhere around here..." Yoshino lead the group into the small room, trying to ignore the blood splattered walls and the bodies behind curtains. "If you're wondering about all this, there was a murderer here once. He was killed, though. His spirit won't appear here, since he died during the curse."

Garry set Mary down on one of the beds, putting a hand against her forehead lightly. He moved his hand back and tossed his coat off, adjusting a pale green shirt underneath. "There aren't any blankets, so I might as well do this. Hitting way too close to home, though." he mumbled, draping the coat over Mary.

Yoshino was sitting in the bed, reading posters. She couldn't seem to fall asleep. "Hey, do you...maybe....wanna hear a little more about the Fabricated World? It's an interesting place, although terrifying and dangerous. We need to wait for Mary to wake up, so..." "Sure."

"Well, I don't really understand how it works or how you get there. What I do know is that it's filled with works by the deceased artist Weiss Guertena. Personally, I believe that Guertena's ghost is kind of a puppetmaster to it all. Either way, it's very dangerous. There are these odd mannequin heads that can move about and appear to multiply, there are headless statues that can just up and chase you around, there are creepy dolls that can also follow you, there's a giant doll that tried to kill me, and, of course, there are the Ladies in Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow. There are also many other creepy things, like hands that come out of the walls, mirrors that randomly shatter, et cetera. Many paintings are not capable of doing anything, though. Mary was, according to a work, Guertena's last painting. She was...not the most understanding after being badly influenced by the world she was in. She understands things better now, though."

Garry stared at a wall, then back at Yoshino.

Sam pushed the infirmary doors open for the Doctor, who stared at the bodies upon entering. "Oh," He said. He noticed Garry and Yoshino talking off to the side, Mary in a bed beside them. The Doctor sat Helena in an empty bed, her still shaking and pale and terrified.

"Geez, guys," Dean said to Garry and Yoshino. "Not in an imfirmary next to a kid." Yoshino glared at him. "Hey, you shut the fuck up." She rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, what are you guys doing here?" Garry looked at them. "Dean, we weren't doing that. I was just telling her about something. We're waiting for Mary to wake up." he gave a glance at the girl lying on the nearest bed. "Sure you aren't," Dean said. "We're here because someone," The Doctor glared at Dean. "Decided that putting a gun in front of him and pointing it right in front of the face of a hoplophobic would be a good idea." "A what?" "A hoplophibic," Sherlock cut in. "Is someone who fears firearms. The girl is having a flashback of some sort, something that affected her greatly in her past, I presume, involving a gun."

"Her regeneration..." The Doctor mumbled. "It wasn't an easy one." "You're not aliens, Doctor," Sherlock said. "You can't be an alien. Aliens are lifeforms beyond Earth, usually just bacteria. Not only do you look perfectly human, you're definitely not bacteria."

Garry sighed. "To clarify a bit on OUR part, we're here because I accidentally dropped my lighter and some random ghost or whatever it was - Sherlock, don't even comment - decided it would be a good idea to break the lighter, lighting a table on fire in the process, all in front of a pyrophobic."

Yoshino had her arms crossed, wondering how everyone else managed to end up here. Yoshino practically lived here, so it was no mystery for her. "You're clearly wondering how we got here, Yoshino," Sherlock said.

"Sam was the only one of myself and Dean to notice that we had passed an infirmary, and remembered where it was." "Helena, you need to calm down, alright?" The Doctor said with his hands on Helena's shoulders.

"Doctor, that will not work," Sherlock told him. "You need to get her heart going at a steady speed again, not erratically like it is now." "No, she just needs to calm down. This isn't the first time this has happened Sherlock- I know how to handle it."

"I mean, here. In How you got in the school." Yoshino looked at Sherlock. "I feel really bad for not realizing that Mary fainted." Garry sighed. "I was in a panic, I suppo- Yoshino, what are you talking about?" "We came here through a portal or something," Dean said. "We drove right through it."

"We drove here, one moment we were in London, next we were here," John said. "TARDIS bought us here." "And what the hell's a TARDIS?" Dean asked. "Time and Relative Dimension in Space," The Doctor said. "Best space-time machine out there."

"We were walking when some fucking portal appeared, and someone," Garry pointed a thumb towards Mary. "decided to go and investigate." "Earthquake. Spirits. Blackout..." Yoshino shuddered. "I think I need to break my habit of pissing off people who have the power to curse...So. Stories over. Did anyone happen to get a clue, or any advice on how to get out of here? Yoshino looked around the room, sighing when nobody answered.

"None," Sam sighed. "Nothing at all." "Well, we found a flowerpot," The Doctor said. "And what use is a flowerpot gonna be?" Dean asked. "I don't know. Maybe if we use these other roses as well, in other flowerpots something'll happen," The Doctor pointed to the roses on the bed. "Other than that...yeah, nothing." Great. Just great. Roses. Just what needed to be involved." Garry commented, slapping his hand against his face.

"Hm. That could work." Yoshino shrugged. "We'll try it once Helena calms down and Mary wakes up." Helena bought her hands to her eyes and wiped them free of her tears. She took a deep breath, trying to settle herself a little.

"You, Dean," The Doctor said. "No more guns." "You're not my mom," Dean argued. "If I need a gun, I will use it." Yoshino got up.

"Let's go over the ground rules again. Unless needed, don't use someone's fear with them in the same room, everyone's ideas are included, considering we need all we can to get out of here, and..." Yoshino paused. "Dean, pay attention to this one. No more sex jokes."

Garry brought his attention to the bed Mary was lying in, thinking he saw something. Sure enough, the girl was sitting up slowly, rubbing her head and looking around slowly.  "What...happened? Why are we in a group again?" "Oh, you're awake!" Garry got to his feet. "You fainted in a fire-related incident. No one is hurt, though. And the fire is gone. Okay?" he smiled. "Oh, okay..." she looked a little unsure.

"Can't guarantee anything on that jokes thing," Dean smirked. "Just be thankful your godfather's not here, right, Helena?" The Doctor chuckled, making both of them laugh. Yoshino looked around. "So do we set off now, or what?" Garry smiled. "Sure."


“We'll catch up with you,” the Doctor said.  

“Haha, no,” Dean mock laughed, “We're not leaving you two again if it means I get another gun swiped. I need those.” Helena flinched at the mention of the gun, closing her eyes.  

“Fine, we won't come at all then,” The Doctor said, smiling, “Go back to our TARDIS and leave.”

Yoshino looked at them. "You could've left this whole time?" She was slightly angered, considering she hated doing something she didn't have to do. "All that, for..." She shook her head angrily, turning her back on them.

"So how about we just try to make a plan here. Can we get out right now? Or no? If not, what is the next plan? We seriously need to think." Garry huffed.  

"I don't...he's right." Mary held her head. "My head hurts, I just want to get out of here. This place is creepier than the Fabricated World."

“Of course we could always leave,” The Doctor told them, as if it were obvious, “But we stayed to help. And for adventure, adventure's always good.”  

“Why didn't you say, then?!” Dean asked, exasperated, “We don't even have to be in this place!”  

“Because the Doctor and Helena seem to like causing trouble as well as having an adventure, it seems,” Sherlock said.  

“Just go, you lot,” The Doctor waved them away, “We'll join you later.”

Yoshino crossed her arms, giving the two members a goodbye wave. She wasn't that affected by them leaving, but they were an amusing addition, to be honest.

"See you guys, well, probably never. But I guess you never know, eh?" Garry gave them a small wave, chuckling.  

"Yeah...bye." Mary shrugged.

“Assholes,” Dean muttered. Sam's elbow connected with Dean's stomach as they exited, Sherlock and John behind them.  

“That Dean fella is so...” Helena looked for the word, “I don't even know.”  

“Hey!” Dean called, “I do have ears, you know!”  

“Good for you,” Helena called back, “Compensates for the lack of brains.” The Doctor rolled his eyes.

Yoshino gave a slight laugh at Helena and Dean's final argument. She looked around, wondering how it'd affect the group.

"Alright, so shall we look around a bit more?" Garry shrugged.


"I guess, considering there's two less people h-" Yoshino was cut off, as she tripped over a body. "Misao, please! Watch where you put the bodies!" She shook dust off her blue-gray coat. She took one look at the body, and stepped back, eyes wide.

"Yoshino...who is that?" Garry asked, staring at the body. "'s....." Yoshino was now leaning against the wall. "S.....Sao.....t......"

Sherlock leaned over the body of Saotome. He inspected her silently. When he'd finished looking, he stood up. “She's been dead for about an hour, you can tell by the colour of her skin- it's starting to go purple. Cause of death, slash to the throat...with what, I don't know.”  

John stared at him, “I”m sorry, did you just say you don't know what killed her besides the slash to the throat?”  “Yes, John, I did.”

Mary instinctively grabbed onto Garry's coat. "I'm scared, that gonna happen to us?" she looked up at him, her blue eyes brimming with tears. "Mary, I said it before. We're not going to die. Not here, not now."

Yoshino was shuddering, eyes filling with tears. "She...I never m-meant to....scare her.....and n-now...." She looked at the body, ignoring everyone's stares.

"Sssh. Don't cry." Garry put a hand on Yoshino's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, I promise." he smiled weakly. "She'll be somewhere where she can be...happy."

"Wh..." Yoshino's eyes narrowed. She slung her dagger into the wall, leaving a large dent, breaking the end of the blade. "NO!" Her breathing became quick, hands twitching, just like earlier.

"Yoshino!" Garry yelped. "Y-you need to...just s-sit down...and try to breathe..." With that, Yoshino ever-so-slowly calmed down, before slumping to the floor, Saotome's body inches in front of her.

Mary walked over to Yoshino, frowning. She sat down next to the mourning girl, and gave a quick glance at Saotome's body before flinching and looking back to Yoshino.  

"Miss, I'm sorry. Was she your friend? It kinda hurts when someone close to you ends up like this...b-but it's gonna be okay!" she smiled a little at the last part.

Yoshino looked over to the nine-year-old next to her, patting her head. "Yeah."

She got up quickly, trying not to keep the group waiting. "I'll tell you on the way, okay, Mary?"

"Let's try to find somewhere else to go. This is just getting more and more unsettling." Garry huffed, walking towards the doorway. "You guys coming?"  

"Yeah!" Mary was back to her cheery self, hopping up and down a few times.

Yoshino got up, giving the body a slight kick to the side, pushing it out of the way. "Sorry, Otome, but we gotta get home," she whispered to the lifeless girl, before following the rest of her group.

Sherlock walked ahead, “Come on, we mustn't wait. Murder!” He said, with a smile on his face. John closed his eyes.  

“Is that...normal for him?” Sam asked.  

“Yes,” John sighed.


Meanwhile, Helena and the Doctor were trying to find the exit to the school. “We're lost,” Helena said.  

“No, we're not,” the Doctor argued, “I don't get lost easily. My sense of direction is perfect.” He said, just as he walked into a pillar.  

“Oh, yeah,” Helena nodded, “Sure is.” The Doctor huffed.  

“There's the exit, at least,” He noticed the doors.

They walked out, approaching the TARDIS. Helena pulled her key out of her coat pocket, putting it into the lock and turning it, before pushing the door open.  

Only to find the outside on the other side. “WHAT?!” Helena screeched loudly.

Helena walked through the doorway, then came back around the other side, the Doctor staring. “Someone's taken the TARDIS and left us with the bloody door!” He said.  

Helena groaned, “Can never get out of an adventure, can we?” She kicked the door, hard. She shouted out as her toe connected with the wood. “OUCH!”


Garry led the group out of the room, and they ended up in a narrow hallway with many doorways to the left or right, along with two other hallways. At the very end was a door painted red.

"Not asking what this is. Okay, guys, vote time! Red door, left hallway, or right hallway?" Garry added a fake cheery tone.  "They all seem pretty dangerous." Mary added, shrugging.  

"No dip, She-" he stopped himself, shaking his head. "Er....Left hallway?" Yoshino looked at the paths, unsure.

“A murder in a school, no sign of the murderer, oh this is just brilliant!” Sherlock said excitedly, the smile on his face feeling wrong to everyone except himself.  

“Sherlock, don't do that, it's not decent,” John sighed.  

“When am I ever decent?” Sherlock asked. John sighed again.

Garry shrugged, the group following Yoshino's advice. Eventually, they ended up on the second floor, which had more rooms than the first.
Okay, this started at a joke between me, :iconemmathefoxwing:, and :iconmysticravenclaw:. Then it just turned into a huge thing. It's still a WIP. The writing styles differ, as Lucky wrote the Ib part, I wrote the Misao part, and Berry wrote the rest.

Also, the Yoshino in the story is the reincarnated one from the Truth End. Helena is Berry's OC. The reason Ib's not with Garry and Mary is because she died before the events of this story.
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